Be bold. Be brave. Be yourself.
As I reflect on missing my peeps at International Women's Day Lunch at The GrandWay (my amazing work), simply, it’s ok. No matter what is standing in your way to “do the thing”, give yourself a pass and catch the next one.
I am sure you have heard the acronym FOMO...fear of missing out… well, for me, it is honestly not a fear. It's actually more just a “I’d like to be there”. I'm not concerned that events don’t go well, or that I'm not there. There is no ego, it simply is I like this stuff... and the snacks!!!
IWD is important to me, because not everyone has it like me. The support and a feeling that I am respected, and (for the most part) treated equal for what I do. I don’t rally and share for personal benefit. I do it because, around the world, there are women who don’t have the same level of respect or opportunity for reasons I can’t control- access to education, health, social support. It is all the stuff I am so thankful for everyday, but even moreso throughout this journey. This isn’t a soap box because everyone reading this is a friend, and drawing parallels, this stuff is important to you too. It is simply a reflection, and also a realization that, because of that shared goal stuff goes on, goals post get moved, even in PJs from the sofa!
I told Joel I was going to post an update today and he asked, "on what?"
Good point. It feels like the last week has been a lot of repeats, not firsts. But actually, that’s important. In some ways it’s still scary. It's new. It’s raw. But on repeat, it's so easier to emotionally manage.
So, celebrations for the same!!!
I also did a thing and took a selfie! Yeah, I know it’s got a black and white filter and makes me looks more polished than I am. My noodle is white and face still a bit tanned. But, it’s progress on accepting the new me. Maybe a bit vain, a bit weird, a bit who knows… but today as close to authentically me as I can get.